Nucelio Lemos

Nucelio Lemos photo headshotAssociate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto
Pelvic Functional Surgery and Neuropelveology Clinic, at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Mount Sinai and Women’s College Hospital

Nucelio Lemos graduated from Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas da Santa Casa de Sao Paulo (2003), where he also took his residency (2004-2006) and doctorate in Gynecology (2008). He worked as a volunteer physician at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hospital of Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo, developing a research line on the pathogenesis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders, at the Clinic of Urogynecology and Vaginal Surgery, from February 2006 to October 2009. From June to October 2010, he has attended a Fellowship in Pelvic Neurodysfunctions by the International School of Neuropelveology in Hirslanden Klinik, Zurich, Switzerland. He acted for three years as Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Continence Society (2013-2016) and is currently Chairman of the Scientific and Education Committee of the Latin American Pelvic Floor Association (ALAPP) and, as of January 2017 has been recruited as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto, where he is starting the Pelvic Functional Surgery and Neuropelveology Clinic, at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Mount Sinai and Women’s College Hospitals.